Arabian Memory Championship

- Definition of the Arabian Memory Championship :
- Vision of the Arabian Memory Championship :
- Mission of the Arabian Memory Championship :
- Values of the Arabian Memory Championship :
- Logo of the Arabian Memory Championship :
- Stages of the Arabian Memory Championship :
- Terms of participation in Arabian Memory :
- Events of the Arabian Memory Championship :
- Honoring in the Arabian Memory Championship :
The Arabian Championship is a memory Championship that includes 11 events, the first of its kind in the Arab world and in Africa, which was held for the first time in Algeria on 23-24 December 2012, with 45 participants from 11 Arab countries (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon). This Championship is held once a year and is organized periodically by the centers that adopt this project in the Arab countries.
The founder of the Arabian Memory Championship is a memory training expert in the Arab world Dr. Riadh Ben Saoucha, a certified memory training expert, a professional trainer in human development, and a researcher in memory strategies. The team is managed by a team of managers from training centers represented in Arab countries.
1 – Championship includes all Arab countries: to be a Championship in which the competitors from all Arab countries in order to increase the sense of Arab unity.
2 – A strong Championship in memory: The level of competition in the Arab Championship is very strong and the results are close to the results of participants in the World Memory Championship.
3 – International Level of competition: The Arabian Memory Championship will produce Arab elites capable of competing internationally and winning the world title to honor the Arab world in the field of the World Memory Championship competitions.
1 – Dissemination of memory development techniques: Most people suffer from memory problems both in the field of study and work or in daily life, despite the existence of very effective strategies to overcome the problems of forgetfulness and exploit the great capabilities of human memory, so the Arabian Memory Championship came to disseminate these techniques and Strategies in the field of memory to be available to all interested, through the provision of effective training courses and through the various versions of books and audio and visual materials.
2 – Developing the sense of Arab unity: that is an annual meeting space for the Arab elites, which has special intellectual abilities to compete for the Arab title and to strengthen Arab communication, and discuss the development of areas of competition through meetings to be held for this purpose.
3 – Building a global competitive elites: the continuous construction of an Arab elites able to compete in the Arabian Memory Championship and honor the Arabs globally by winning the World Memory Championships.
4 – Developing standards for the service of humanity: the continuous development of memory training strategies and forms of tests in the Championship in a way that ensures the upgrading of the abilities of memory in humans in all areas of life.
1- Arabian Championship: The Championship includes all Arab countries.
2- International competition: The Arab elite have an International level of competition.
3 – Continuing development: The level of the Arabian championship in continuous development.
The Arabian Memory Championship Your way to unlimited power of memory
The Arabian Memory Championship has these Phases:
– Phase of incorporation (2012): aims to adopt simple standards in the field of memory events, and the goal of this stage is to introduce competitions and memory Championships for the individual and the community.
– Phase of National & International Events (2013-2019): The aim of this stage is to introduce the Arab elite to the competition events in the World Memory Championship and to provide effective training courses for the formation of a strong Arab elite. And their support to participate in the World Memory Championships to improve their level compared to the global level.
– Competition for the World Title (2025): aims to focus on the Arab elite, which has proved a high level in the previous stages, and also focus on the owners of “special abilities” through high-level training and continuous motivation for their participation in the World Memory Championship in 2025 and Win the world title in memory.
– Phase to become a reference (2026 and beyond): aims to continue the formation of a new elite able to compete on a global level, and continue to support the outstanding to participate in the World Championship and win the World title again to prove the World merit, The stage to expand and develop areas of competition in the events of the Arabian Memory Championship continuously, making it actually reflect the strength of memory of the human being and to make them reflected positively on different areas of life.
1- The competition is open to all individuals from different Arab countries and for all ages.
2 – Winner of the qualifiers in his country, “seeks” the representative of the Arab Championship in his country to find his care to represent his country.
3 – Competitors who did not win the qualifiers in their country are entitled to participate with them for all expenses.
4 – Participation in the Memory Championship shall be without qualifying if the number is acceptable according to the organizer of the Championship.
5 – There will be qualifiers for the selection of participants in case the number was large by the organizer of the championship.
6 – No training programs are required to participate in the Arabian Memory Championship.
7 – Organizing Committee members are not entitled to participate in the Championship.
8 – A small fee will be paid to participate in the Arabian Memory Championship.
Age groups participating in the Championship:
All contestants participate in the same hall and at the same time, but their classification is by age groups as follows:
– Kids category: less than 12 years.
– Juniors category: 13-17 years.
– Adults category: 18-59 years.
The Arabian Memory Championship includes 11 events, the first 10 events are in accordance with the World Council of Memory Sports standards in Britain, and the 11th event is taken from the “Mathematical Sports Mathematics and Memory Olympiad”, as follows:
1- Random Numbers Event: Memorization time (30 minutes) Recall time (60 minutes).
2 – Speed Numbers Event: Memorization time (5 minutes) Recall time (15 minutes).
3 – Binary Digits Event: Memorization time (30 minutes) Recall time (60 minutes).
4 – Spoken Numbers Event : 100 number, Recall (5 minutes), 550 number, Recall (25 minutes).
5 – Random words Event : Memorization time (15 minutes) Recall time (30 minutes).
6 – Random Dates Event : Memorization time (5 minutes) Recall time (15 minutes).
7 – Names & Faces Event : Memorization time (15 minutes) Recall time (30 minutes).
8 – Random Cards Event : Memorization time (30 minutes) Recall time (60 minutes).
9 – Speed Cards Event: Memorization time (5 minutes) Recall time (5 minutes).
10 – Abstract Image Event : Memorization time (15 minutes) Recall time (30 minutes).
11 – Day Calculation Event : Recall time (5 minutes).
At the end of the Arabian Memory Championship, certificates of honor, medals, trophies and prizes will be distributed as follows:
Financial Awards:
The amount of the prize money varies from year to year.
To find out the value of this year’s prize money, please see the registration page.
– Cup to honor the holder of the first rank of each age group.
– Cup to honor the holder of the second rank of each age group.
– Cup honoring the third rank of each age group.
– Gold medal: the holder of the first place in every event in the events.
– Silver medal: the holder of the second place in every event in the events.
– Bronze medal: the holder of the third place in every event in the events.
– Special certificates for the top three.
– Certificate of participation in the Championship for the rest of the participants.
– Certificates of “Arab Master in the power of memory” for the eligible.