Memory Titels Approved

Name: | Country: | Championship: |
Salim BELHAMECHE | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2012 |
Meryem YEZZA | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2013 |
Meryem YEZZA | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2014 |
Yahia Nasreddine RASSINE | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2015 |
Yahia Nasreddine RASSINE | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 |
Nasser AZIRI | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2017 |
Yasinne BEN ABDALLAH | Tunisia | Arabian Memory Championship 2018 |
Yasinne BEN ABDALLAH | Tunisia | Arabian Memory Championship 2019 |
Fahad BIN MOHAMMAD | Saudi | Arabian Memory Championship 2021 |
Juri NAJJAR | Saudi | Arabian Memory Championship 2022 |
Name: | Country: | Championship: |
Yahia Nasreddine RASSINE | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 |
Tamim GATANESH | Libya | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 |
Mustafa AL HAMAMI | Iraq | Arabian Memory Championship 2017 |
Yasinne BEN ABDALLAH | Tunisia | Arabian Memory Championship 2018 |
Nasser AZIRI | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2018 |
Note: To obtain this title, the following conditions are required:
1- Remember at least 520 random numbers on the random number test.
2- Remember at least 286 memory cards correctly (5 and a half memory boxes).
3- Remember a quick memory tray in less than 1:30 minutes.
4- The competitor’s total score must be greater than 3000.
5- Having attendance certificates for the accredited memory courses (first, second, and third levels).
6- This must be done during the Arab Memory Championship competition.
Name: | Country: | Eligibility for Certification: | Certificate Number: |
Salim BELHAMECHE | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2013 | 001 |
Meryem YEZZA | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2013 | 002 |
Abdelkader FACI | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2013 | 003 |
Yahia Nasreddine RASSINE | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2013 | 004 |
Hind ALOUANE | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2014 | 005 |
Noura GHARISI | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2014 | 006 |
Ali MELOUKA | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2014 | 007 |
Oumaima KOBBI | Tunisia | Algeria Memory Championship 2014 | 008 |
Marwa FOUCHALI | Tunisia | Algeria Memory Championship 2014 | 009 |
Hafssa ASKAOUI | Morocco | Morocco Memory Championship 2014 | 010 |
Fatima Zahra MAHYAOUI | Morocco | Morocco Memory Championship 2014 | 011 |
Abderrahim LOUAAR | Algeria | Morocco Memory Championship 2014 | 012 |
Tamim GATANESH | Libya | Master in Memory Course 2015 | 013 |
Issa ALMGADMI | Libya | Master in Memory Course 2015 | 014 |
Majdedeen ABUGSEAA | Libya | Master in Memory Course 2015 | 015 |
Abdulwahab EMBAREK | Libya | Master in Memory Course 2015 | 016 |
Mohammed Omar EBSHISH | Libya | Master in Memory Course 2015 | 017 |
Zakariya ISMAIL | Libya | Master in Memory Course 2015 | 018 |
Ahmed Abdelhafidh EBSHEESH | Libya | Master in Memory Course 2015 | 019 |
Abdalaziz ALEWAN | Libya | Master in Memory Course 2015 | 020 |
Fatiha MEBREK | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2015 | 021 |
Ali GATANESH | Libya | Libya Memory Championship 2015 | 022 |
Amina REGAIEG | Tunisia | Tunisia Memory Championship 2015 | 023 |
Mehdi BNOUNI | Tunisia | Tunisia Memory Championship 2015 | 024 |
Layla SALIGANE | Morocco | Morocco Memory Championship 2015 | 025 |
Nabil ZRIGUI | Morocco | Arabian Memory Championship 2015 | 026 |
Nouha LAHYAN | Morocco | Arabian Memory Championship 2015 | 027 |
Mouna RAHAL | Morocco | Arabian Memory Championship 2015 | 028 |
Mehdi BENJELLOUN | Morocco | Arabian Memory Championship 2015 | 029 |
Radia HOBAIBI | Morocco | Arabian Memory Championship 2015 | 030 |
Hamam ABD ELRAHMAN | Sudan | Arabian Memory Championship 2015 | 031 |
Ikram Soumia BENACEUR | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2015 | 032 |
Lahcen OULHADJ | Morocco | Arabian Memory Championship 2015 | 033 |
Lotfi BENKIRANE | Morocco | Arabian Memory Championship 2015 | 034 |
Salma AKACHA | Tunisia | Arabian Memory Championship 2015 | 035 |
Nasser AZIRI | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 036 |
Mebarka KEBIR | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 037 |
Madjeda TIDJANI | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 038 |
Slimane KHIRENNAS | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 039 |
Hala TIDJANI | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2016 | 040 |
Fethi BELAIDI | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2016 | 041 |
Hadeel GHOPPAR | Libya | Libya Memory Championship 2016 | 042 |
Saja HREAB | Libya | Libya Memory Championship 2016 | 043 |
Hafidha ETTAIEB | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 044 |
Leila AMRANE | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 045 |
Mustafa AL HAMAMI | Iraq | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 046 |
Yassin BEN ABDALLAH | Tunisia | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 047 |
Hala DAHEM | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 048 |
Dhif Ellah LEGHETTAS | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 049 |
Soumia BOUAOUINA | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 050 |
Asma DILMI | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 051 |
Khadidja BOUAOUINA | Algeria | Arabian Memory Championship 2016 | 052 |
Karima SAHRAOUI | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2017 | 053 |
Mohamed Imad Eddine BENACEUR | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2017 | 054 |
Rania Chiraz BEN ABD ELKADER | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2017 | 055 |
Hakim BELOUAD | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2017 | 056 |
Fatima Zohra ROUANE | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2017 | 057 |
Abdenour OTBI | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2017 | 058 |
Sohayb BELMOKHTAR | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2017 | 059 |
Seddam DJEBBAR | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2017 | 060 |
Amir ELKIRED | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2017 | 061 |
Abdessamed LARBI | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2018 | 062 |
Nadir IOUAGE | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2018 | 063 |
Khaled ABDELAH HALAF | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2018 | 064 |
Mohamed TEMAR | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2018 | 065 |
Aicha OUIDAH | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2018 | 066 |
Daho Mohamed BENACEUR | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2018 | 067 |
Abdellah Aness BENCHOHRA | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2018 | 068 |
Amina KHELIFI | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2018 | 069 |
Omar Farouk MALEK | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2018 | 070 |
Abdelhalim MAHMOUDI | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2018 | 071 |
Salsabil NOUASRIA | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2018 | 072 |
Khadidja AKROUT | Algeria | Algeria Memory Championship 2018 | 073 |
Slimane BEKOUCHE | Algeria | Master in Memory Course 2019 | 074 |
Mariem DHOUIB | Tunisia | Master in Memory Course 2019 | 075 |
Fahad BIN MOHAMMAD | Saudi | Algeria Memory Championship 2021 | 076 |
Note: To obtain this title, the following conditions are required:
1- Remember at least 130 random numbers in the random number test within 15 minutes in an accredited national memory tournament (at least 520 numbers in an approved Master course).
2- Remember a quick memory tray in less than 3:00 minutes in an approved national championship or in a Master session.
3- The total score in the national championship equals 2000 points or more.
4- Owning attendance certificates for accredited memory courses (first, second, and third levels).